
We are one of the biggest and oldest companies producing plywood in Poland. We possess almost one-age tradition and very rich experience in this field. High notes, which have our products, make us take special care about finał product and force us constantly to improve them. In plywood, we introduce quite new materials that increase application and aesthetic characteristics of our plywood panels. Thanks to these qualities, we ensure our customers about safety, certainty in use and quality, confirmed by different certificates and approvals.

In 1914, the company was established. At the very beginning, a German company “Ostdeutsche Sperrplatten Werke AG” owned the factory. Then a Polish-German joint stock company was the owner. In 1933, public Administration of National Forestry purchased the factory. At that time, the production of our company madę 10% of whole plywood production in Poland.

After the Second World War, our factory went through the process of nationalization. National Forestry Management with its headquarters in Toruń supervised it. Later on, the supervision over the company got the Association of Panels, Plywood and Matches Industry Producers. Since 1994, SKLEJKA-MULTI with its name is a privatized joint-stock company.

Our company cooperates with research institutes and units

Instytutem Technologii Drewna w Poznaniu

Akademią Rolniczą w Poznaniu

Ośrodkiem Badawczo-Rozwojowym Przemysłu Płyt Drewnopochodnych w Czarnej Wodzie

Akademią Medyczną w Gdańsku – Międzywydziałowym Instytutem Medycyny Morskiej i Tropikalnej w Gdyni

PKP – Centrum Naukowo-Technicznym Kolejnictwa w Warszawie

Przemysłowym Instytutem Motoryzacji w Warszawie

Państwowym Instytutem Higieny w Warszawie

Polskim Rejestrem Statków w Gdańsku

Instytutem Techniki Budowlanej w Warszawie

Instytutem Pojazdów Szynowych “Tabor” w Poznaniu

Centrum Techniki Okrętowej w Gdańsku

Technischer Űberwachungs -Verein Rheinland/ Berlin – Brandenburg e.V.